Pumping Up Framerates — Team SMG Dota 2 Partners Up with ZOTAC Gaming

Pumping Up Framerates — Team SMG Dota 2 Partners Up with ZOTAC Gaming

As high-level as our gameplay may be, it is also our utmost priority to have the best hardware out there to ensure that the Team SMG Dota 2 player's hardware is top-notch performance.

Today, we are proud to announce our partnership at Team SMG with ZOTAC Gaming to ensure that our Dota 2 players are always playing at the most optimal framerates during tournaments and scrims.

ZOTAC Gaming has been a staple of graphics card choice for PC Gamers out there, and are available internationally with their products ranging from the affordable graphics card all the way to the enthusiast tiered graphics card.

< Zotac Quote>

"We have our trust in ZOTAC Gaming's products all this while, and we are more than happy to welcome them to our family to achieve the dream together. With performance and consistency being the key for both of us, we will be working together to bring in even more victories, and of course, on high framerates and low temperatures for our players to perform at their best" - Orrin Xu, General Manager, Team SMG

With that, welcome ZOTAC Gaming to Team SMG!

Still Moving Under Gunfire

Team SMG

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